Alternative Healing Therapies & Facilities

In the Western world, healthcare and healing practices are often associated with large pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and conventional medical practices. Anything outside of this regimented norm of health management is often called alternative medicine, practices and therapies. By definition alternative therapies refer to “any of a range of medical therapies that are not regarded as orthodox by the medical profession, such as herbalism, homeopathy, and acupuncture.” Other alternative medical practices may include but are not limited to any of the following:

  • Acupressure
  • Anthroposophy
  • Ayurveda
  • Bioelectromagnetic therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Chiropractic
  • Craniosacral therapies
  • Creative therapies
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Environmental medicine
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Massage/manual therapies
  • Meditation
  • Naturopathy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Yoga

When treating chronic diseases and conditions, it is important to explore different treatment options. What works for one person, may not work for another, which is why understanding alternative therapies is a subject area worth exploring.

Choosing An Alternative Therapy

As previously mentioned, the possibilities and different alternative medicine, therapies and medical practices are numerous. So choosing one that works for you or your family members is really a matter of research and trial periods. There are numerous publications, commentary and research on all of the aforementioned alternative therapies. Hence, it’s really just a matter of figuring out which one works for you and the ailment from which you are seeking relief and/or healing. For example, a person who would like to manage chronic back pain without the heavy use of painkillers may benefit from regular chiropractic visits. The foundation of this natural medical practice is bolstered on the idea that a properly aligned body knows how to heal itself from pain.

List of Alternative Healing Facilities

Note: The LaTeacha A. Coleman Foundation does NOT to prescribe to one alternative therapy over the other. Instead, we consider ourselves a hub for synthesized information. With that, this listing does not insinuate in any manner a backing, promotion or endorsement of a particular facility or alternative medical practice.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a renowned family physician, nutrition researcher and New York Times bestselling author. With over two decades of medical and nutrition experience and expertise, Dr. Fuhrman has made it his mission to show the world that sustainable weight loss and healing from disease is possible through “super nutrition”. Dr. Fuhrman is the creator of the Nutritarian Diet, a nutrient-dense and plant-rich eating style. He attests that this eating regimen has reversed chronic diseases and ailments like heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain syndromes, including migraines in his patients. Dr. Fuhrman is also the president of the Nutritional Research Foundation.

Dr. Fuhrman is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, and frequently appears on the Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Fuhrman is also a fitness enthusiast and former world-class figure skater. He placed third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship. Since graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Fuhrman has successfully treated more than 10,000 patients with serious medical conditions with his smart nutrition recommendations.

Beyond the plethora of information available in his books, Dr. Fuhrman also shares his expertise on air with the PBS network. His programs Dr. Fuhrman’s END DIETING FOREVER!, 3 Steps to Incredible Health and Immunity Solution have aired over 31,000 times on PBS stations and helped raise over $25 million. This amazing response from viewers makes Dr. Fuhrman programs some of the most successful fundraisers in PBS history. His latest program Eat to Live with Dr. Fuhrman premiered across the nation on PBS stations in June 2016. Ultimately, it is Dr. Fuhrman’s mission to change the way America eats, which has garnered him the nickname, “America’s Health Coach.”

Dr. Fuhrman is the creator of the ANDI food scoring system. The ANDI ranks the nutrient value of many common foods on the basis of how many nutrients they deliver to the body for each calorie consumed. This system has been adopted by Whole Foods Market, and has directed millions of consumers to eat an anti-cancer diet-style. Dr. Fuhrman believes that the Standard American Diet (SAD) contributes directly to the formation of chronic and autoimmune diseases, including cancers, in individuals. Understanding the nutrient density of foods, therefore, helps consumers understand what foods are best to put in their bodies to ward off and keep disease at bay.

Books by Dr. Fuhrman

  • The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life (hardcover) – ISBN 9780062249326 (HarperOne; March 25, 2014) A New York Times Best Seller
  • Eat to Live Cookbook: 200 Delicious Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Reversing Disease, and Lifelong Health (hardcover) – ISBN 978-0062286703 (HarperOne; October 8, 2013) A #1 New York Times Best Seller
  • The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes (hardcover) – ISBN 978-0-06-221997-8 (HarperOne; December 26, 2012) A New York Times Best Seller
  • The Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI Food Scoring Guide (paperback) – ISBN 978-0983795216 (Gift of Health Press; October 11, 2012)
  • Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body’s Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free (hardcover) – ISBN 978-0-06-208063-9 (HarperOne; 1st edition Sep 20, 2011) A New York Times Best Seller
  • Eat For Health: Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Look Younger, Live Longer (hardcover) – Volume 1 ISBN 0-9799667-2-8, Volume 2 ISBN 0-9799667-3-6, Gift of Health Press; First edition (April 1, 2008)
  • Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss (paperback) – ISBN 0-316-73550-7, (Little Brown & Company; 1st edition January 15, 2003) A #1 New York Times Best Seller
  • Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right (hardcover) – ISBN 0-312-33805-8, Publisher: St. Martin’s Press (August 1, 2005)
  • Cholesterol Protection for Life (paperback) – ISBN 0-9744633-1-0, Publisher: Gift of Health Press (September 15, 2004) – Out of print
  • Fasting & Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor’s Program for Conquering Disease (paperback) – ISBN 0-312-18719-X, Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin (April 15, 1998)

The End of Dieting, How to Prevent Disease by Joel Fuhrman MD

The Power of Juicing


Juice Cleanse.

Juice Fast.

Juice Detox.

Singularly and collectively these juice-centered phrases are common buzzwords in the health industry. But juicing, when understood, is much more powerful than a trend or fad health tip. Juicing fruits and vegetables for nutrients and health benefits has been practiced for eons. In fact, using juiced food as a vehicle for wellness and healing dates back to early civilizations documented in the Dead Seas Scrolls between 150 B.C. to 70 A.D. Therein, it is referenced that “a pounded mash of pomegranate and fig” resulted in “profound strength and subtle form.” Since this time, humans have used juicing as a powerful tool for health and wellness.

But, what exactly is juicing?

According to, juice is defined as “the natural fluid, fluid content, or liquid part that can be extracted from a plant or one of its parts, especially of a fruit; or any extracted liquid.” Hence, juicing is defined as the act of extracting the juice or fluid from a plant or one of its parts. In the health industry, juicing is more commonly associated with the extraction of liquid from fruits and vegetables to be easily consumed for their nutritional value.

History of Juicing

As previously mentioned, early civilizations understood the power of juicing. Early apothecaries would use tools like a mortal and pestle to extract juice and nutrients from vegetables, herbs and fruit. In the 21st century more developed techniques and education about juicing became available to wider audiences. In 1920, German scientist, Max Gerson, developed a therapy combining a vegetarian diet and raw juices. His work is still carried on today through the Gerson Institute and is called The Gerson Therapy. In 1936, Dr. Norman Walker published the book Raw Vegetable Juices. The Norwalk Juicer, resulted from this book publication, and was known as “The World’s Juicer.” In the 1970s, Jack Lalanne, an American fitness, exercise, nutritional expert and motivational speaker, began discussing the power of juicing and the health benefits from fresh, non-processed foods. He coined the phrase “That’s the power of the juice!” and produced a line of popular juicers that are still available for purchase today.

Juicing And Enzymes

Juicing carries such powerful health benefits because it keeps naturally occurring enzymes in fruits and vegetables intact. Most cooked and processed foods have been stripped of not only vital nutrients, but of their enzymes. Enzymes are natural proteins produced in tiny quantities by all living organisms that function as highly selective biochemical catalysts in converting one molecule into another. In layman’s terms, enzymes are LIFE proteins, and they promote actions like digestion and heightened metabolism in cells. These LIFE organisms are delivered quickest to the body’s cells by consuming juice, in comparison to eating raw, cooked or processed fruits and vegetables.

Juice Options & Health Benefits

The variety of fruits and vegetables is endless. The same can be said about the health benefits that each fruit or vegetable juice provides to the human body. Here is a list of a few fruit and vegetable options for juicing.


Apples are full of antioxidants and pair well with other fruits and vegetables. They have the power to tone down the assertive or bitter tastes that other fruits and vegetables may have. Apples also help cleanse the digestive system, reduce cholesterol and boost the immune system.


Pineapples have lots of natural sweeteners, which make them extremely palpable for beginner juicers. This fruit also contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain that aids in digestion. Pineapples are also anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial.


Berries come in several varieties, and are natural antioxidants that are good for blood and circulation. Popular juicing berries include: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.


Citrus fruits contain carotenoids, bioflavonoids and high levels of Vitamin C. This makes juicing citrus like, grapefruit, lemons, limes and oranges necessary for fighting cancer, lowering blood pressure and helping reduce plaque in arteries. Citrus fruits are also antiviral and antibacterial.


Celery is great for cleansing the digestive system of uric acid. High levels of uric acid in the bloodstream can lead to conditions like gout, kidney stones and diabetes. Celery is also a natural diuretic that relieves bloating, and is high in potassium.


Carrots are high in beta carotene, which makes them great for producing younger looking skin and keener vision, heightening brain function, fighting cancer, protecting arteries, fighting infections and boosting the immune system. Carrots also have a sweet and pleasant sate when juiced.

Dark Greens

Dark greens like spinach, kale, collards and variety of others carry a plethora of health benefits that are amplified with juicing. Most dark greens contain Vitamin K, which aids in helping blood to clot. Dark greens also contain a host of other vitamins and minerals like calcium, and are a great source of protein.

The Truth About Plant-Based Vitamins & Supplements

The body requires a wide range of vitamins and minerals to maintain a constant state of wellness. Individuals who consume highly processed foods or a regular Standard American Diet (SAD) are generally deficient of the necessary vitamins and minerals that keep the body in optimal health. But surprisingly, even those who subscribe to a natural or plant-based diet may still find themselves lacking the complex variety of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Factors like deficient soil quality, overcooking and lack of knowledge and education further contribute to the disconnect and the under-consumption of vital nutrients. This is why supplementing one’s diet with a multivitamin or other over-the-counter vitamin and mineral may be important. But before jumping on the supplement bandwagon, there are a few things to consider.

Not all supplements are created equal.

Like anything commercialized in the American marketplace, vitamin and mineral supplements have fallen prey to the capitalist machine. Pharmaceutics is a multibillion-dollar industry. Accordingly, as more people become health conscious and seek out natural alternatives to traditional medicines, big business has developed and mass produced supplements that have additives and preservatives that are the same or similar to findings in processed foods. This is why understanding the difference between synthetic and plant-based supplements is imperative.

Synthetic Versus Plant-Based Supplements

The biggest difference between a plant-based supplement and a synthetic option is in the manufacturing. When synthetic supplements are created they isolate naturally-occurring vitamins, which reduces their effectiveness. For example, a synthetic Vitamin C capsule only mimics the effect that natural Vitamin C, retrieved from fruits and vegetables, has on the body. Throw in the addition of chemical compounds and preservatives that are required for mass production and cost effectiveness, and the result is a foreign substance that infiltrates instead of supplements the human body.

Plant-based supplements, on the other hand, are produced with the mission to keep the final product as close to the product(s) produced naturally by the earth. This means there are few to no synthetic substances used to process these vitamins, mineral and herbal supplements. Hence, plant-based supplements are better absorbed by the body because the nutrients they provide are familiar to the body.

Three Supplement Forms

Both plant-based and synthetic supplements are usually produced and sold in three distinct forms. Below is an overview of each.


The most common powder supplement is protein powder. However, green powders (derived directly from plants) are also available for purchase. A powder supplement is created by first dehydrating a plant and then pulverizing it into a dust or powder form.


Liquid extract made from herbs that is taken orally (usually as drops under the tongue). Tinctures are generally extracted from herbs using alcohol, vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar.

Capsules & Tablets:

This supplement form is probably the most common among consumers. Capsules seal the powder form of supplements in an easy-to-swallow, odorless and taste-free gelatin outer shell. Powders from capsules can be expelled by simply opening them. Tablets, on the other hand, are pressed versions of powder supplements. This supplement form usually has both a taste and odor, but are available in chewable options, if swallowing is a problem.

Powerful Supplements To Try

Borage Oil: natural anti-inflammatory supplement that contains high levels of GLA, an omega-6 fatty acid that the body does not naturally produce. Most common used for the treatment and prevention of PMS symptoms, ADHD, eczema, dermatitis, menopause symptoms, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis pain, stress and respiratory distress.

Cayenne Pepper: increases metabolism and heart health, reduces high blood pressure, performs as a powerful digestive aid and toxin remover in the human body. Cayenne pepper is most commonly consumed in powder form, but is also available in liquid and capsule forms.

Green Tea Extract: made from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea is used in the treatment of depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and bone loss. Green tea extract is also used to promote weight loss.

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa): antiviral herb that boosts immune system and fights off infection. Cat’s Claw is used in the treatment and prevention of arthritis, allergies, asthma, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, viral infections, ulcers and hemorrhoids. This woody vine is native to the Amazon.

Fish Oil: Extracted from the tissues of oily fish, fish oil provides the human body with necessary omega 3 fats that are not naturally produced by the body. Fish oil is used in the treatment and prevention of ADHD, Alzheimer’s Disease, anxiety, arthritis, cancers and cardiovascular disease.

Turmeric: powerful root vegetable that is consumed in its natural state or as a liquid, powder or capsule. Turmeric aids in the treatment and prevention of acne, asthma, cataracts, delayed wound healing, diabetes onset, glaucoma, hypertension, increased appetite, indigestion, insomnia, kidney and thyroid issues, mood disturbances, muscle weakness, nausea, risk of infection, tachycardia and thinning skin.

Ginger: aromatic, pungent and spicy root vegetable consumed in it’s natural state or in juice, powder and capsule form. Ginger is most commonly used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water


Water is the cornerstone of human health and wellness. We need water to live, mainly because the human body is made up of 80 percent water. Medical research suggests that on average drinking at least 64 ounces of water helps maintain hydration, vitality and wellness in adults of all ages. But, there may be more to the water story than we know. As of late, there has been a rise in inquires and research concerning less acidic or alkaline water. But, what exactly is all the fuss about? Here’s a quick rundown.

What is Alkaline Water?

For starters, alkalinity is the opposite of acidity. Hence, alkaline water is water that is less acidic than regular tap water. In alkaline water, compounds like calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium and bicarbonate can be found.

The level of alkalinity found in water refers to its pH level. PH levels are measured on a scale of 0-14. Accordingly, water with a pH level of 1 would be very acidic, in contrast to water with a pH of 13 that would be very alkaline. Normal drinking water generally has a neutral pH balance of 7.

Naturally alkaline water occurs when water runs over rocks, as in the case in springs, and gathers minerals from these sources. Alkaline water can also be made with products called ionizers.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

According to, the Standard American Diet (SAD) can contribute to chronic low-grade acidosis, a condition associated with health issues including hormonal problems, loss of bone and metabolic problems. Alkaline water is said to have the power to combat an overly acidic body by adding back necessary minerals and restoring pH balance. These claims, however, are not backed by extensive medical research.

Proponents of alkaline water consumption have cited the following health benefits in individuals who regularly drink alkaline water:

Detoxification: Acidic waste from processed foods, prescription drugs, environmental toxins, etc. build up in the human body on a daily basis. Drinking alkaline water is said to help restore pH balance and flush acidic waste from the body.

Super Hydration: Water molecules in alkaline water are said to be more easily absorbed at the cellular level. Hence, drinking alkaline water can lead to “super hydration” in the human body.

Enhanced Immunity: A highly acidic and toxic Standard American Diet can lead to the depletion of the human immune system. This makes it harder for the body to fight off disease and maintain overall health. Drinking alkaline water can help boost a sluggish immune system by replenishing minerals and restoring pH balance.

Weight Loss: Detoxification, better hydration and a boosted immune system can lead to a more energized existence that can results in weight loss.


For more information about the benefits of alkaline water, check out these resources:

Alkaline Water & Blood Pressure

Alkaline Water & Reflux Disease

Building The Immune System

Maintaining health and a perpetual state of wellbeing is an ideal that many people strive to achieve daily. In essence, we all desire to feel good and have our bodies function properly at optimal levels. The system in charge of keeping the human body healthy, regulated and feeling good is called the immune system. By definition, the immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders. These are primarily microbes—tiny organisms such as bacteria, parasites, and fungi that can cause infections.1 When our immune system is under attack, we may feel anywhere from mildly under the weather to needing to be admitted to the hospital. Hence, protecting the integrity of our immune system is important business.

In most cases, humans are born with healthy immune systems. Having a healthy immune system insures that our body is able to effectively defend itself from intruders like toxins, parasites, bacteria and diseases that mean it harm. But, the daily consumption of the Standard American Diet (SAD), higher stress levels, decreasing sleep and rest periods, dehydration and higher concentrations of environmental and product-related toxins and pollutants eventually take a toll on the human immune system. And a threatened, weakened or deficient immune system is a recipe for dis-ease and disease.

Symptoms of a weakened immune system

When the human immune system is weakened or deficient there are a few characteristic, telltale signs. For one, if you are constantly sick or easily prone to catching colds and viruses like influenza, you may have a weak immune system. Beyond this, answering YES to any of the following questions may also provide clues that confirm the status of a deficient or weakened immune system.

  • Are you constantly fatigued or exhausted even after a full night’s rest?
  • Are you prone to infections like urinary tract infections or inflamed gums?
  • Do you experience excessive allergic reactions, more often than others?
  • Does it take you longer to heal after an injury compared to others?

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally

Plant-based diet

Nutrient-rich, plant-based diets work wonders on weakened immune systems. In fact, most doctors will recommend eating more fruits and vegetables as a means to kickstart a deficient immune system. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are great for the immune system. Here are a few to consider.

Citrus: Fruits like grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes and clementines are packed with Vitamin C. Research shows that Vitamin C increases the production of white bold cells, which fight off infections.

Garlic: According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, garlic may help lower blood pressure and slow down the hardening of arteries. Garlic’s immune-boosting properties, specifically allicin, is said to improve immune cells’ ability to fight off colds and the flu.

Berries: Berries contain polyphenols, a group of beneficial plant compounds with antimicrobial properties. They also contain Vitamin C, which amplifies their immune-booting qualities. Berries have been known to defend against influenza, Staphylococcus, E. coli and Salmonella infections.

Mushrooms: Shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms contain beta-glucans (complex carbohydrates) that enhance immune activity against infections and cancer and reduce allergies (cases of inappropriate immune system activity).

Coconuts & Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts in the human body to monolaurin. Monolaurin is the actual compound found in breast milk that strengthens a baby’s immunity.

Chlorella: Chlorella is a single-cell freshwater algae that acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, and carries them out of your system. But more importantly, the chlorophyll in chlorella makes it powerful. Chlorophyll helps the human body process more oxygen, cleanse blood and promotes the growth and repair of tissues.

Exercise & Moderate Activity

Sedentary lifestyles have attributed to a number of health ailments. The same can be said about inactivity as it relates to and/or can lead to a deficient immune system. It is important to get your body moving because regular exercise and activity improves overall health. Scheduling at least 30-45 minutes of activity every day will improve the functionality of a weakened immune system. Regular activity can also combat obesity, depression, insomnia and other conditions that lead to immune system deficiencies.

Rest & Relaxation

Stress and lack of proper sleep and rest can lead to a strained and/or weakened immune system. Locate healthy and natural alternatives to stress like meditation, journaling and exercise that can better promote a peaceful state of mind and being. It is important to get at least seven hours of sleep nightly. This will insure that your body has the proper time to reset and recalibrate itself and its intricate systems.



Essential Oils 101

Ever smelled a beautiful rose or a fresh sprig of rosemary? If you have then you are more familiar with essential oils than you may have known. By definition, an essential oil is a naturally occurring, aromatic compound found in the seeds, bark, stem, root, flower, fruit and other parts of a plant. Essential oils are what give plants their distinctive smell and protect them from predatory insects and possible environmental threats. By harvesting essential oils from plants, humans can harness the protective and healing power of plants.

History of Essential Oils

Essential oils are 50 to 70 times more potent than herbs, and have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Egyptian civilizations have been historically documented as using essential oils as early as 2000 BC. They harvested these oils for medicine, religious ceremonies, beauty treatments and food preparation. Moreover, Cleopatra’s legendary beauty is often attributed to her extensive use of customary Egyptian essential oils, fatty oils, clays and salts harvested from the edge of the Dead Sea.

Essential Oils in the Bible

In the Bible, the use of essential oils is referenced in 36 of the 39 chapters of the Old Testament and in 10 of the 27 chapters of the New Testament. There are a total of more than 500 citations specifically about essential oils and their uses. Frankincense and myrrh were gifts of the wise men given to baby Jesus, and these oils were considered very valuable for their healing properties. In the bible days, frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, and cinnamon were considered valuable cargo along caravan trade routes and were often valued more than gold.

The following are a few passages of scripture that reference essential oil usage:

  • Proverbs 21:20: “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise…”
  • Revelation 22:2: “…and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
  • Mark 6:13: “…anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.”

Harvesting Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants through a process called distillation. With this method oil and water compounds are separated from the plant by steaming or cold pressing. This process concentrates the resulting oil, making it a very powerful and potent elixir for several mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. For example 65 pounds of rose petals are sourced to make one 15mL bottle of rose essential oil.

Grades of Essential Oils

When choosing essential oil brands, it is important to choose oils that are marked as Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. Essential oils with this grade are:

  • Sourced from indigenous regions throughout the world
  • Guaranteed to be 100 percent organic, pure, natural and free of synthetic compounds or contaminates
  • Subjected to vigorous third party laboratory testing to ensure purity and potency

Using Essential Oils

Most essential oils are used in the practice of aromatherapy. By definition, aromatherapy is “the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit.” Common aromatherapy techniques include: aromatic diffusion, massage, aromatic baths, steam inhalation and topical application. These techniques help the healing properties of essential oils be absorbed in the body through skin and inhalation. Beyond aromatherapy, essential oils are also used internally and topically. Below is a description of each method of use.

Three Methods of Use


  • Oil is used in an essential oil diffuser, or are inhale directly
  • Cleanses the air
  • Opens airways
  • Affects mood


  • Only Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are taken internally
  • Essential oils taken directly in mouth, in a veggie capsule, or mixed in water
  • For internal use of essential oils look for supplement facts on product label


  • Applying essential oils to bottom of the feet can help them enter the circulatory system within 30 seconds
  • Apply oils to localized area
  • Dilute with carrier oils (i.e. fractionated coconut oil) for topical application

8 Essential Oils & Their Healing Properties

Frankincense (Boswelliae): Builds immunity, reduces inflammation, heals age spots, supports brain and fights cancer. (When in doubt, use Frankincense.)

Lavender: Remedies headaches, induces relaxation, improves mood, heals burns, cuts, insect bites, eczema/dermatitis, and is a powerful antihistamine that helps with allergies and anxiety.

Peppermint: Supports digestion, improves focus, boosts energy, fever reducer, headache and muscle pain relief. Peppermint oil is also revered for its anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic qualities. Historically, it has been used –internally and externally— to treat bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.

Melaleuca Oil (Tea Tree Oil): Natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, reduces bad odors and can help stimulate the immune system. Melaleuca Oil is commonly used in the treatment of acne, bacterial infections, chickenpox, cold sores, congestion and respiratory tract infections, earaches, fungal infections (especially candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus), halitosis (bad breath), head lice, MRSA, psoriasis, dry cuticles, itchy insect bites, sores, sunburns and boils from staph infections.

Lemon Oil: Great to use in homemade cleaning products, improves lymph drainage and detoxifies the body. Lemon Oil is also commonly used in the treatment of digestion issues, thirst, abdominal colic pain, chronic coughing and nausea. It also prevents malabsorption, improves digestion, nourishes the skin and promotes weight loss.

Eucalyptus Globulus: Improves respiratory issues like bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies. Also invigorates and purifies the body. Diluted eucalyptus oil can be taken orally for pain and inflammation of respiratory tract mucous membranes, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, sinus pain and inflammation, and respiratory infections. It is also used as an antiseptic, insect repellent, and treatment option for wounds, burns, and ulcers.

Jojoba Oil: Treats sores and bruises, soothes skin and unclogs hair follicles. Jojoba oil can also be used as a mosquito repellant and as treatment for acne, psoriasis, sunburn, chapped skin and hair loss.

Clove Oil: Anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and antioxidant protection. Clove oil can also be used to relieve flatulence, mitigate dental pain, soothe indigestion, prevent toxic environmental exposure, relieve stress, boost energy and improve blood circulation.

Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Dr. Antonio Jimenez is the Founder and Medical Director of the Hope4Cancer Institute in Mexico. For nearly three decades, Dr. Jimenez has dedicated his life to providing safe, effective and non-toxic treatment options to cancer patients across the world. When it comes to his work, Dr. Jimenez says he “welcome[s] the challenge of bringing recovery to patients suffering from cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases.” Early in his career, he was trained to perform conventional treatments, but over the years, discovered better protocols to treat chronic conditions other than with radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy.

Dr. Jimenez leads the only accredited center in the western hemisphere for the Cancer Virotherapy treatment protocol. This treatment, unlike chemotherapy and radiation introduces a special virus into the human body that destroys tumor cells without affecting healthy cells, and stimulates the body’s natural defense and immunity system. Dr. Jimenez is also recognized as a pioneer of many bioregulatory and natural cancer treatment methods such as Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy, Hyperthermia, AARSOTA Bio-Immunotherapy (Cancer Vaccine), Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Cold Plasma Ozone Therapy and IV Protocols, among others. Moreover, he is considered one of the most progressive integrative medicine specialists in the world today.

At the Hope4Cancer Institute, Dr. Jimenez and his team follow a seven-step cancer treatment philosophy with each patient. The seven steps or principles of this treatment plan include:

Step 1: Non-toxic Cancer Fighting Agents

Therapies and products used at the facility are:

  • Perfectly safe to normal cells and will not harm vital, healthy tissues
  • Not likely to cause side effects
  • Not derived from toxic or poisonous substances
  • Clinically shown to reverse and stop the spread of cancer, prevent metastases, and enhance the immune system

Step 2: Enhance & Optimize Immune System

At Hope4Cancer Institute they specialize in strengthening and optimizing the human immune system by using a series of products and techniques that enhance the body’s own ability to fight cancer and/or mutated cells within the body. Their immune system enhancement program includes the use of biological vaccines which stimulate and promote an antigen-antibody response. This reaction selectively attacks and destroys cancer cells, the main goal in the fight against cancer.

Step 3: Full Spectrum Nutrition & Alkalinize

Staff at the Hope4Cancer Institute believe that in order for one’s system to be 100 percent effective and achieve optimal health in its fight against cancer, a vast array of nutrients must be consumed in correct ratios and combinations. Full Spectrum Nutrition includes dietary intake of foods that contain a balance of compounds present in fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, fish, and plenty of alkaline water.

Step 4: Detoxification (specifically heavy metals and toxins)

The Hope4Cancer Institute recommends detoxification through the use of Coffee Enemas and Near Infra-Red Saunas for anyone suffering from cancer and other chronic degenerative disease. Their detoxification processes involves the removal of harmful metals and minerals from the body, to keep it functioning normally and enhance recovery.

Step 5: Eliminate Microbes & Pathogens

Medical evidence suggests that cancer is a disease partly caused by infectious agents (fungus, viruses, bacteria and other less known pathogens, such as prions, cell-wall deficient forms). Accordingly, the Hope4Cancer Institute specializes in treatment modalities that cause the breakdown and ultimate elimination of microbes and pathogens.

Step 6. Oxygenation

Staff at the Hope4Cancer Institute affirms that increasing oxygen levels, at the cellular site, in an oxygen-starved environment of a diseased body is an essential factor in reversing the anaerobic process. Oxygen therapies or oxidative therapies and their therapeutic uses available at Hope4Cancer Institute include: Intra-venous ozone, ozonated water, stabilized liquid oxygen and topical ozone preparations. Oxygen (o2), along with foods, are the primary nutrients that cells use to generate energy for all their functions. An optimal cellular oxygen environment can result in physiological (normal) life process.

Step 7. Spiritual and Emotional Integrity

As an organization, the Hope4Cancer Institute believes in having God at the center of human lives. They’ve found that patients who have a strong “God center”, regardless of their faith, end up having the most beneficial recovery effect. They promote this treatment approach by offering support therapies like Recall Healing. This particular treatment attempts to uncover traumatic episodes, often hidden to the patient, that may be at the root of the physiological changes that lead to cancer.

Learn more about Dr. Antonio Jimenez by clicking links below: